Exciting data out Thursday from Statistics Canada shows volumes of exports of Canadian wood products to the US for January to June 2016 are up +18 per cent (to world up +11.7 per cent) to 17.8 million cubic metres compared to 14.6 million cubic metres for the rst six months of last year.
Elsewhere, the latest Industry Canada data, also out Thursday, shows values of imports of sawmill products from Canada for January to June 2016 are up +14.2 per cent to US$2.9 million (CIF value), compared to US$2.5 million for the rst six months of last year.
Meanwhile, in the US imports of Canadian lumber by value for January to June this year are up +14.2 per cent, to US$2.9 million, compared to US$ 2.5 million for the rst six months of 2015.
US imports of Canadian lumber by volume for the first six months of 2016, released Friday, reveal a +12.6 per cent increase, to 9.8 million cubic metres compared to 8.6 million cubic metres for January to June last year.
VALUES of Canada Sawmill Product Exports to US, China, and Japan: 2012 to June 2016

- Canadian Total Exports — Industry Canada NAICS 321111 – Sawmills (except Shingle and Shake Mills)
VOLUMES of Canada Sawmill Product Exports to US, China, and Japan: 2012 to June 2016

- Canadian International Merchandise Trade Database — Statistics Canada Table 980-0044 44. Domestic exports – Wood and articles of wood; wood charcoal 440710 Lumber, coniferous (softwood), of a thickness exceeding 6 mm
VALUES of US Sawmill Product Imports from Canada and China: 2012 to June 2016

- US International Trade Statistics — US Census Censtats Database Value of Exports and Imports by (NAICS – 321113) Sawmill Products
VOLUMES of US Sawmill Product Imports from Canada: 2012 to June 2016

- Trade between USA and Canada (Monthly) — US Department of Transportation 44—-Wood and articles of wood