National Association of Home Builders’ Convention
The data looks very good for all types of US housing starts in 2014 and beyond, according to economists from the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) Wednesday. The association is forecasting 1.15 million total housing starts in 2014, up 24.5 per cent from last year’s total of 928,000 units. Single-family production is projected to…
US Farm Bill and Federal Timberland Management
The massive US Farm Bill, long debated, finally passed the House of Representatives Thursday in Washington, DC. Counties in timber-producing states dependent on log harvest for revenue have been anxiously awaiting this news. The old farm bill expired in 2012. Its replacement is 959 pages long and will cost approximately US$956.4 billion over 10 years.…
2014 Truck Logger Conference and Trade Show
It was a rollicking time last week in downtown Vancouver, BC, for the 71st Annual Truck Logger’s Association convention and trade show. The TLA’s theme this year was “The Business of Logging – A New Era”. So it is not just for coastal operators but in the interior as well. A boisterous crowd pressed themselves…
Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) or vehicles (UAV) at an accessible price are ready to take off for the surveying and geospatial professions. Of particular interest to forest operators, UAVs are very useful for forest surveys. For example, digital surface models and orthophotos can be created from UAV images of regrowth areas within a cutblock. Height…
Biomass Fuel Production
A microorganism first found in the Valley of Geysers on the Kamchatka Peninsula in Russia in 1990 may be a key to more efficient cellulosic biofuel production, said DomesticFuel.com January 6. The microoorganism can digest cellulose almost twice as fast as the current leading component cellulase enzyme on the market, according to researchers at the…