True Winter Weather Brings Lower Lumber Prices
As December dawned winter weather came on across North America, causing the usual drop in construction activity thus lumber sales. Price levels dropped accordingly, but only for benchmark items. Sellers were able to keep prices level on many dimension lumber and panel items. However, the obvious slowing demand into the end of the year suggested…
Madison’s Sawmill Curtailment Lookout: Nov 2022
Have you signed up for a subscription to the FABULOUS *new* Madison’s Sawmill Curtailment Lookout? The December issue will be going out soon …. Don’t miss out! Your colleagues already have access to this vital and important timely information. With Madison’s Sawmill Lookout you will save time and money by ensuring your outreach is timely…
US Thanksgiving Brings Soft Lumber Demand
As is historically usual for this season, demand — and therefore prices — of most softwood lumber items dropped during the US Thanksgiving holiday week. This time of year is normally marked by slowing construction activity thus lower demand for dimension lumber. Of course, the past two years have not been normal. As forest industry…
US Home Sales Oct, Lumber Prices Nov: 2022
Bumping up and down in recent months, sales of new US single-family homes actually increased in October. There were 632,000 new single-family homes sold last month, which is up +7.5% from the downwardly revised September rate of 588,000 and is a -5.8% drop compared to October 2021 when it was 671,000. Only 15,000 new homes…
US Housing Market October & Softwood Lumber Prices November: 2022
Sales of new homes in the US have bumped up and down for the second half of this year and recovered upward once again in October. While it is true that a slow-down is apparent in both construction and home buying activity, it is important to note that new building activity year-to-date remains almost even…