Category: Weekly Softwood Lumber Blog

  • Lumber Prices Pop Up After Several Weeks Flat

    Most lumber prices rose by a noticeable margin in the week ending February 18, as ongoing strong demand and relentless delayed deliveries prompted customers who had been waiting on the sidelines to step in and buy. Due to still-lengthening order files, sawmills were able to hold their ground on prices. Some items, which had risen…

  • Lumber Market and Prices: Feb 2022, Week 4

    Check back with the Madison’s website often for the latest updates for the latest developments and updates. In the week ending February 25, 2022, the price of benchmark dimension construction framing softwood lumber item Western Spruce-Pine-Fir 2×4 #2&Btr KD (RL) was US$1,350 mfbm. This is up by +$20, or +2%, from the previous week…

  • US New Home Sales January and Softwood Lumber Prices February: 2022

    The U.S. Census Bureau and the US Department of Housing and Urban Development released February 24 new home sales and new house price data. New home sales comprise 10% of real estate activity and are considered a leading housing market indicator as they are recorded when contracts are signed. After climbing to record-level highs during…

  • Lumber Price Changes Mixed Bag

    Some lumber prices popped up slightly while others dropped a bit, as customers and suppliers were able to hammer out agreeable price levels for 2022. The question on everyone’s minds, since before the end of last year, was: were the seemingly very high prices of 2021 a significant anomaly, or is that the “new normal?”…

  • US Housing Starts January and Softwood Lumber Prices February: 2022

    After relentless increases for the second half of last year, North America construction framing dimension softwood lumber prices reversed their rises during January 2022. Ongoing strong demand, however, served to prop prices up again at the beginning of February. Home building activity slowed somewhat as harsh winter weather hit across the continent and supply chain…