CVD Preliminary Determination Postponed – CVD Retroactive Date Jan.24, 2017 – ADD Feb 3, 2017


CVD date:

captured materials imported into the U.S. on or after January 24, 2017

AD date:

captured materials imported into the U.S. on or after February 3, 2017

CVD amount:

tba CVD Preliminary Determination until April 24th

AD amount:

tba ADD Preliminary Determination date is presently scheduled for May 4th


Keta Kosman
Madison’s Lumber Reporter
Vancouver, BC, Canada
604 319-2266
—– Forwarded message from Michael Jones <> —–

Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2017 20:34:34 +0000
From: Michael Jones <>
Reply-To: Michael Jones <>
Subject: CVD Preliminary Determination Postponed – CVD Retroactive Date Jan.24, 2017 – ADD Feb 3, 2017
To: undisclosed-recipients: ;

Dear Softwood Lumber Clients, Colleagues and Interested Parties;

After conferring further with our attorneys, and their conferring with Commerce, and as impacted by the Commerce’s attached January 27th (just last Friday) announcement postponing their CVD Preliminary Determination until April 24th, we can now correct and confirm that U.S. Customs’ retroactive CVD collection actions, in the event of a finding of surging and the invoking of Critical Circumstances, can only be assessed against scope confirmed captured materials imported into the U.S. on or after January 24, 2017.

Because the ADD Preliminary Determination date is presently scheduled for May 4th, retroactive collection actions, under the same conditions as described above, would only impact the captured materials imported into the U.S. on or after February 3, 2017.

Hopefully, prior to April 24th and May 4th, the two governments will have either negotiated a new SLA, or at least there will have been some success in exempting a number of the articles the U.S. Coalition included in their petition, i.e., pallets, notched stringers, fence pickets, pointed stakes, and edge-glued lumber.

We apologize for the uncertainty caused by our earlier advisories with respect to the understood retroactive collection ability of U.S. Customs.

Jones & Jones Customs Brokers and Trade Consultants
Michael D. Jones, President – CHB – Inactive Marine NCO
Blaine Phn: 360-332-6090 or 888-536-5079
Fax: 360-332-1282
Cells: Michael 360-220-6101 – Kim 360-201-2180
638 Peace Portal Drive – Suite 202
Blaine, Washington 98230
J&J Website:
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Filer Code: WQO (Whiskey-Queen-Oscar)