More Softwood Lumber Agreement Conversation

Liberal MP for Cumberland-Colchester,NS, Bill Casey, raised the issue of a softwood lumber agreement in the House of Commons Tuesday, according to Cumberland News Now Wednesday.

Said Casey. “The softwood lumber industry in Atlantic Canada is different from the industry in the rest of Canada, and it’s essentially the same as the industry in New England, with which it competes. The border is almost not there, when you consider the Canadian firms that own mills and timberland in Maine and vice versa.”

Casey has met with International Trade Minister Chrystia Freeland to make sure she understands Atlantic Canada’s position. At a recent caucus briefing on softwood lumber hosted by David Lametti, Casey also made a presentation to MPs from across Canada and offered his advice based on past agreements.

In the House of Commons on Tuesday, Casey called on the Minister of International Trade to ensure that the Atlantic exclusion is maintained.