North America Softwood Lumber Production, Sawmill Capacity: Full-Year 2015

Lumber production as a per cent of practical capacity in the US was 84 per cent for 2015, an increase of 1 per cent from the previous year when it was 83 per cent, according to the Western Wood Products Association’s Lumber Track, released Tuesday.
Canadian sawmill capacity utilization improved by 3 per cent last year, to 86 per cent from 83 per cent in 2014.

SOURCE: Western Wood Products Association
SOURCE: Western Wood Products Association

North America Softwood Lumber Production, Sawmill Capacity: Full-Year 2015

Lumber production in the US totalled 32 BBF for full-year 2015, an increase of 1.5 per cent from 2014 when it was 31.5 BBF, said Lumber Track.
Canadian lumber production improved by 8.3 per cent for last year, to 26.7 BBF from 24.6 BBF the year earlier.

SOURCE: Western Wood Products Association
SOURCE: Western Wood Products Association

SOURCE: Western Wood Products Association