Softwood Lumber Agreement Termination Notice and Instructions from Customs and Border Protection


RE: SLA Termination Notice and Instructions from CBP

“Dear SLA Clients and Colleagues;

Please see the attached U.S. Customs CSMS issued today with regard to the termination of the 2006 Softwood Lumber Agreement.ย  While DFAIT is going to continue to require Export Permits for all 2006 SLA captured materials, enabling them to track and record the country-wide exports, to include specifically by exporter, the U.S. has indicated that with respect to shipments loaded onto a conveyance for export to the U.S. on and after October 12th, the U.S. Customs CF-7501 will only be required to report the “Export Price”, in addition to the “Selling Price”.

The U.S. CF-7501 entry field previously requiring the “Export Permit Number” will, instead, be populated with P88888888.ย  The “Region of Origin” “Primary Mill”, “Exporting Company’s EICB Number”, and “MLB Certificates” will no longer be required, and will no longer be a part of the U.S. entry reporting.
SLA Termination Notice and Instructions from CBP SLA Termination Notice and Instructions from CBP
We’re assuming that the P88888888 indicator and Export Price, continued to be a part of the CF-7501 entry data, will enable the U.S. Department of Commerce to collect the desired Canadian softwood volumes and pricing information.

Jones & Jones clients using their U.S. Customs Proforma Invoice for the dual purpose of securing their Export Permits from J.B. Ellis Co., Ltd. and our U.S. Entry purposes – should continue to complete their U.S. Customs Proforma Invoices in the same manner as before, just as was done when the month’s “Export Surcharge Rate” were zero.ย  Even though the U.S. entry will no longer require the Export Permit Number, the Region of Origin, Primary Mill or Exporting Company’s EICB Number, the Canadian Permit Filer will still need this information to apply for and secure the Export Permits the Canadian government will continue to require.


Jones & Jones Customs Brokers and Trade Consultants
Michael D. Jones, President – CHB – Inactive Marine NCO
Blaine Phn: 360-332-6090 or 888-536-5079
Fax: 360-332-1282
P.O. Box 1889
155 – 12th Street, Suite 222
Pacific Highway Crossing
Blaine, Washington 98231
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