Tag: canada exports

  • Canada and US Lumber Exports: April 2015

    Fresh data out this week from Canada, British Columbia, Alberta, and the US Census gives a good picture of the state of forest products manufacturing sales and exports in North America so far this year. Data released by the BC Ministry of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations department of Log Export and Economic Analysis…

  • British Columbia Forest Product Exports: April 2015

       Highlight of Exports YTD 2015 (April), compared to YTD 2014 (April):  B.C. forest product exports totalled $4.28 billion, up 12.7% from $3.80 billion. https://www.for.gov.bc.ca/het/economics-forest-exports.htm  

  • British Columbia Forest Product Exports: April 2015

       Highlight of Exports YTD 2015 (April), compared to YTD 2014 (April):   B.C. forest product exports totalled $4.28 billion, up 12.7% from $3.80 billion. https://www.for.gov.bc.ca/het/economics-forest-exports.htm  

  • West Coast Log and Lumber Exports: 1Q 2015

    Log exports from Washington, Oregon, northern California, and Alaska totalled 272 mmfbm in 1Q 2015, a decrease of nearly 16 per cent compared to 4Q 2014, the US Forest Service’s Pacific Northwest Research Station reported Wednesday. During this same period, west coast lumber exports declined 4 per cent in volume to 162 mmfbm. Log and…

  • Canadian Economic Accounts: 1Q and March 2015

    Real gross domestic product (GDP) in Canada decreased 0.1 per cent in 1Q, following growth of 0.6 per cent in 4Q 2014. This was the first negative growth rate of real GDP since 2Q 2011. On a monthly basis, real GDP by industry fell 0.2 per cent in March. Final domestic demand fell 0.4 per…