Tag: canada industry

  • Canada Industrial Price Index: July 2015

    The Industrial Product Price Index increased 0.7 per cent in July, mainly because of higher prices for motorized and recreational vehicles, said Statistics Canada also Friday. The Raw Materials Price Index declined 5.9 per cent in July, led by lower prices for crude energy products. Canada Industrial Product and Raw Materials Prices The Industrial Product…

  • US Producer Price Index: July 2015

    The US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released the Producer Price Indexes (PPI) for July. Inflation in prices received by producers (prior to sales to consumers) rose 0.2 per cent in July after a 0.4 per cent increase in June. The increase was based on rising prices for services (0.4 per cent), prices for goods…

  • US and Canada Manufacturing and Trade: June 2015

    Canadian exports surged 6.3 per cent in June, according to Statistics Canada Wednesday, while imports fell slightly by 0.6 per cent, narrowing Canada’s trade deficit sharply to just under $0.5-billion. In the US, the Institute for Supply Management said also Wednesday its services sector index rose to 60.3, the highest reading since August 2005, a…

  • Canada Manufacturing Survey: May

    Manufacturing sales in Canada edged up 0.1 per cent to $49.9 billion in May, while constant dollar sales fell 0.5 per cent, indicating a lower volume of goods sold, said Statistics Canada Wednesday. The slight increase in current dollar sales was the second gain in 2015. Sales were up in 6 out of 21 industries,…

  • Canadian Economic Accounts: 1Q and March 2015

    Real gross domestic product (GDP) in Canada decreased 0.1 per cent in 1Q, following growth of 0.6 per cent in 4Q 2014. This was the first negative growth rate of real GDP since 2Q 2011. On a monthly basis, real GDP by industry fell 0.2 per cent in March. Final domestic demand fell 0.4 per…