Tag: canada trade

  • Trade Deals: North America and International

    Just as the 2006 Canada-US Softwood Lumber Agreement is expiring, leaving a one-year stand-still period before either country can embark on any kind of trade action against the other, the Trans-Pacific Partnership is signed between twelve Asian and North American countries, including Canada and the US. That agreement now has to be passed domestically by…

  • Trade Deals: North America and International

    Just as the 2006 Canada-US Softwood Lumber Agreement is expiring, leaving a one-year stand-still period before either country can embark on any kind of trade action against the other, the Trans-Pacific Partnership is signed between twelve Asian and North American countries, including Canada and the US. That agreement now has to be passed domestically by…

  • Merchandise Trade, US and Canada: July 2015

    Canada’s exports rose 2.3 per cent in July and were concentrated in non-energy products, according to Statistics Canada Thursday. Exports excluding energy products rose 4 per cent. Overall, export prices grew 1.3 per cent while export volumes advanced 1.0 per cent. US exports, meanwhile, increased 0.4 per cent to US$188.5 billion, despite a strong dollar…

  • US and Canada Manufacturing and Trade: June 2015

    Canadian exports surged 6.3 per cent in June, according to Statistics Canada Wednesday, while imports fell slightly by 0.6 per cent, narrowing Canada’s trade deficit sharply to just under $0.5-billion. In the US, the Institute for Supply Management said also Wednesday its services sector index rose to 60.3, the highest reading since August 2005, a…

  • Canadian Economic Accounts: 1Q and March 2015

    Real gross domestic product (GDP) in Canada decreased 0.1 per cent in 1Q, following growth of 0.6 per cent in 4Q 2014. This was the first negative growth rate of real GDP since 2Q 2011. On a monthly basis, real GDP by industry fell 0.2 per cent in March. Final domestic demand fell 0.4 per…