Tag: #Construction #Framing #North #American #Softwood #Lumber

  • Conifex Cuts Production: Fort St. James, BC, Sawmill

    Another unfortunate addition to the list of permanent and temporary softwood lumber manufacturing sawmills in British Columbia, due to difficulties sourcing logs for timber processing, Tuesday Conifex, out of Vancouver, BC, announced another of it’s sawmills will be closing. Conifex’ Fort St. James, BC,  sawmill will be temporarily reducing its production from January 1, 2019,…

  • Softwood Lumber Dimension Prices Stop Falling, Some Even Pop Back Up

    The best description to characterize the movement of North American construction framing dimension softwood lumber wholesaler prices last week is “waffling”. Indeed, benchmark Western Spruce-Pine-Fir KD 2×4 #2&Btr price landed exactly where it had been two weeks ago, with Friday’s print in Madison’s Lumber Reporter at US$354 mfbm, having lost 1% (or $4) from the…

  • NAFTA Dispute Resolution Forms 5-Member Panel: US Softwood Lumber Tariffs on Canada

    A binational panel has been formed to review the battle between Canada and the United States over softwood lumber, with three Canadians and two Americans appointed to make a ruling under NAFTA’s contentious Chapter 19 dispute-resolution mechanism, according to the Globe and Mail Tuesday. The issue of Canadian lumber shipments into the United States is…

  • US Housing Affordability, Custom Home Building, House Size: 3Q 2018

    While a niche, these data are most applicable to the use of construction framing wood products, this excellent indicators for future growth / building and softwood lumber production. Released this week, the latest US home building and real estate data shows a US housing market returning to strength. But with a different mix of building…

  • US Housing Prices, Inventory: Oct 2018

    In September, US national home prices continued to rise but at a slower pace. Moreover, two metro areas experienced home price declines in September. The Case-Shiller U.S. National Home Price Index, reported by S&P Dow Jones Indices, rose at a seasonally adjusted annual growth rate of 4.6% in September, slower than the 6.9% increase in…