Forest Product Manufacturing, Sales, Export Data
The latest round of data releases for January and February, out this week from Statistics Canada and Industry Canada, are shaping up to tell a great story for the next issue of Madison’s Forest Pulse (to be emailed May 4). Also the Western Wood Products Association’s most recent issue of Lumber Track, out Thursday, provides…
Washington Dept of Natural Resources March 2015 Highlights
Lumber and Log Prices: Lumber and log prices increased markedly in 2013 and somewhat less so in 2014. Washington log prices moved up sharply from a two-year plateau in 2013 and continued to rise in 2014. The average price for a ‘typical’ DNR log delivered to the mill reached US$591/mbf in 2014, and has averaged…
Alberta Forest Products 3Q 2014 Results
Values of lumber, pulp and paper, and panelboard manufactured by Alberta Forest Products Association members totaled approximately $696 million for 3Q 2014, the agency announced March 6. The value of production was up $26 million, or 3.9 per cent, from the same period last year. In 2012 and 2013, Alberta’s forest industry averaged growth rates…
US Southern Pine, Hardwood Lumber Exports: 2014
Southern Pine lumber exports finished 2014 at a record volume of just over 552 mmbf, a jump of 17 per cent above the 2013 export total, said the Southern Forest Products Association Friday. Southern Pine lumber exports have more than doubled in the past five years, the agency said. Meanwhile, US exports of hardwood lumber…
Madison’s Weekly Construction Framing Lumber Prices Update: Feb 27 ’15
check it out . . . also check out . . .