Tag: lumber trade

  • IMM Information Notice 17-IMM-001, Recommendation for Processing Entries Subject to the Canadian Softwood Lumber Countervailing Duty (CVD) Case C122-858

    More excellent word from Madison’s very worthwhile source on the development of new softwood lumber duties for Canadian exporters shipping into the US: US Customs Brokers are instructed to revise all entries of Canadian softwood lumber captured by the present Canadian Softwood Lumber CVD Case facilitated on or after January 28, 2017 to type 03…

  • Canada Building Permits: March 2017

    The value of building permits issued by Canadian municipalities fell 5.8 per cent to $7 billion in March, marking a second consecutive monthly decrease, said Statistics Canada May 9. Nationally, the decline was mainly the result of lower construction intentions for multi-family dwellings, particularly in British Columbia and Ontario. All provinces and territories, except Ontario…

  • New USTR Appointment Passes Senate

    One of many, many outstanding questions on the new Canada-US softwood lumber dispute was answered Friday morning when the US Senate approved US President Donald Trump’s appointment of US Trade Representative. The upper chamber voted with a large bipartisan majority Thursday to approve Robert Lighthizer, which gives the administration its U.S. trade representative and allows…

  • US Softwood Lumber Duty 2017: Complete Confusion

    Operators are suffering total bewilderment as US Customs and Border officials can not provide clarity on vital details of application of the new softwood lumber duties to entry waybills and pro-forma invoices. An experienced US customs broker, a good source for Madison’s, upon finally speaking to decision-makers at the US Commerce Department last week about…

  • Canada Considers Retaliatory Trade Actions Against the Latest US Softwood Lumber Duties

    BREAKING NEWS MID-DAY FRIDAY: The Canadian government has found several Oregon business-assistance programs it says may constitute illegal subsidies. It is considering a process that could lead to retaliatory duties on imports from that state’s products, such as plywood, flooring, wood chips, packaging material and wine, according to several mainstream news sources mid-day Friday. Prime…