Tag: lumber trade

  • US Sawmill Imports, Canada Sawmill Exports: November 2016

    Brand-new data released Thursday by Industry Canada and US Census Bureau shows a continued glowing picture for US softwood lumber consumption, imports, and Canadian lumber exports to US. US Sawmill Products Imports: November 2016 A major glitch in US Census data reported at the beginning of 2015 nothwithstanding, US sawmill products imports from the world…

  • USITC Votes to Continue Investigations on Softwood Lumber Products from Canada

    THE USITC FRIDAY DETERMINED: https://www.usitc.gov/press_room/news_release/2017/er0106ll702.htm January 6, 2017 News Release 17-003 Inv. No. 701-TA-566 and 731-TA-1342 Contact: Peg O’Laughlin, 202-205-1819 USITC Votes to Continue Investigations on Softwood Lumber Products from Canada The United States International Trade Commission (USITC) today determined that there is a reasonable indication that a U.S. industry is materially injured by reason…

  • Donald Trump Appoints USTR Rep, Creates new White House National Trade Council

    US President-Elect, former dubious real estate ‘developer’ and more recently known for appearing in reality TV shows, Donald Trump has appointed a new US Trade Representative and created a special White House council just for trade issues. Lawyer Robert Lighthizer is to head the US Trade Representative office, Trump’s transition team said Tuesday in a…

  • ITC Softwood Lumber ADD/CVD Fact Sheet

    THIS JUST IN FROM INTREPID CUSTOMS BROKER MIKE JONES AT BLIANE, WA : Dear Canadian Softwood Lumber Clients and Interested Parties; Please see the attached U.S. International Trade Administration Canadian Softwood Lumber ADD/CVD “Fact Sheet” outlining the U.S. DOC’s December 16th formal announcement of the initiation of ADD/CVD investigation of imports of certain softwood lumber…

  • Anticipated Duties on Softwood Lumber to Dampen Canadian Wood Products Industry Outlook

    Canada’s wood products manufacturers are on track to post pre-tax profits of $1.4 billion this year—their highest levels since 2004, according to The Confer- ence Board of Canada’s Canadian Industrial Outlook: Canada’s Wood Products Manufacturing Industry, released Wednesday. Going forward, however, the imposition of US duties on softwood lumber will slow export growth and weigh…