Tag: timber fire

  • Tree Migration: British Columbia Study Update

    New research from the University of British Columbia suggests evolution is a driving mechanism behind plant migration, and that scientists may be underestimating how quickly species can move. The study, published July 28 in the journal Science, builds on previous research that has shown some plants and animals are moving farther north or to higher…

  • Wildfire Season, North America 2016

    Just as another terrible wild re season is upon Canada and the US, the Utah Department of Natural Resources’ newly developed, interactive site — www.utahwilfirerisk.com — allows users to search for and zoom into particular neighbor– hoods or recreation areas on a statewide map to see the wild re risk in that zone. It’s essentially…

  • Wildfires

    A wildfire in Southern California more than tripled in size overnight and forced officials to close a major highway, while another blaze in New Mexico had communities on edge after destroying two dozen homes, according to Reuters Friday. It grew from 1,200 acres (486 hectares) on Thursday night to more than 4,000 acres (1,619 hectares)…

  • Pacific North America Climate Leadership Agreement

    The partnership with the governments of California, Oregon, and Washington State, along with ve other major cities along the West Coast — Los Angeles, Port– land, San Francisco, Seattle, and Oakland — could lead to some innovations in BC. Pacific North America Climate Leadership Agreement With a combined population of 54 million and a GDP…

  • Major Railway Trestle Bridge Fire in Alberta

    Police in Mayerthorpe, AB, said the re that destroyed the CN Rail trestle bridge started under suspicious circumstances, according to CBC Wednesday. The re is the fifth the local RCMP detachment has been called to in the past 30 days. Crews responded to 17 res locally in the last seven days, all wildland or grass…