Tag: UShousing

  • Increased Production Volume Brings Drop in Lumber Prices

    As August dawned it became clear that there would be no big increase in new housing construction activity this season. While demand remained reasonably stable, producers chose to increase production volumes and sell more wood rather than keeping supply tight and get prices to rise. Thus the small blip in higher lumber prices seen during…

  • Madison’s Lumber Prices Index: August 11, 2023

    The Madison’s Lumber Prices Index for the week ending august 11, 2023 is: US$437 mfbm The Madison’s Lumber Prices Index for the week ending August 11, 2023 is: US$437 mfbmThis is down by -6.8%, or -$32, from the previous week when it was US$469. SPECIAL ADDED BONUS GRAPH THIS WEEK: MADISON’S INDEX VS LUMBER FUTURES…

  • Lumber Prices Begin to Show a Year-Long Trend

    After the remarkable volatility in 2020 and 2021, the price trendline for framing softwood lumber commodities this past year is beginning to look like something understandable. In mid-2022 when the long-announced interest rate increases actually started to happen, the recent surge in new home building and construction activity started to slow. As such, lumber prices…

  • Madison’s Lumber Prices Index: August 4, 2023

    The Madison’s Lumber Prices Index for the week ending august 4, 2023 is: US$469 mfbm The Madison’s Lumber Prices Index for the week ending August 4, 2023 is: US$469 mfbmThis is down by -5.4%, or -$27, from the previous week when it was US$496. For information regarding the construction of this Index (species mix, weighed…

  • As July Wanes, Lumber Prices Flatten

    With the annual home building season well under way, most construction framing softwood lumber prices flattened out toward the end of July. Prices have crested at what could well become the “new normal”, which those interested in the forestry and sawmilling industries have been asking about for the past couple of years. Certainly those incredible…