Madison’s Softwood Lumber Prices Aug 12: Sneak Preview

Softwood lumber demand was anemic the week of August 13 and prices continued to correct; many players were on vacation.

Western Spruce KD 2x4 to 2x12 #2&Btr prices: AUGUST 2021

Western S-P-F: USA Wobbly
Suppliers of Western Spruce-Pine-Fir lumber and studs in the United States continued to struggle with every deal as buyers were cagey in view of wobbly pricing.
Western S-P-F: Canada Vaccilate
Prices kept coming off in bunches this week as Canadian sawmills adjusted and re-adjusted to meet vacillating customers’ terms.

Demand for Eastern S-P-F plywood seemed to get worse each day. Field inventories were flush and buyers showed zero urgency.

Canadian Plywood and OSB Wholesaler Prices: AUGUST 2021

At least liquidity in the Oriented Strand Board (OSB) market was improving, with prices apparently getting close to a bottom.

US Plywood and OSB Wholesaler Prices: AUGUST 2021

In a market still hard to call, prices remained variable between producers, but were decidedly down.