Tembec Mill Strike

Tembec ceased production at its lumber mill in Temiscaming, QC, Thursday after workers went on strike late Wednesday. The Quebec-based pulp, paper, and lumber producer says 650 unionized employees of Unifor local 233 have walked off the job at the facility.
An additional 200 workers employed at the mill are not unionized.
The union and the company have been in negotiations since August 2014, according to Canadian Press. Their four-year collective agreement expired on September 30.
The company also said the closure will delay the installation of a boiler and turbine at the mill, which was expected to be completed by mid-December.
Local president Roger Gauthier told BayToday late Wednesday that the company refused to negotiate in good faith. BayTodayโ€™s attempts to contact the company spokesperson were unsuccessful.
A vote last Wednesday saw 94 per cent reject the latest company offer.
Tembec is a manufacturer of forest products with operations in Canada and France. It employs approximately 3,500 employees and has annual sales of approximately $1.6 billion.