“Americans react to softwood lumber dispute”

The U.S. National Association of Home Builders says duties or volume caps on imported lumber will raise the price of lumber, adding more than $1,300 to the cost of a new single family home, according to Metroland Media Monday.

“We feel strongly that Canada should have had a more aggressive stance early on in the negotiations rather than putting forth a proposal to go forward with the status quo.”

Suzanne Beall, National Association of Home Builders legislative director

It also forecasts higher lumber prices will result in a net loss of almost 8,000 jobs if 25 per cent of duties are imposed on Canadian lumber flowing into the U.S. About US$450 million in wages would be lost along with US$320 million in government taxes.

Americans react to softwood lumber dispute

Increased lumber prices along with higher interest rates would make new homes less affordable for average consumers. The association, which this year formed the American Alliance of Lumber Consumers, claims that about 153,000 households would no longer qualify for average mortgages with every US$1,000 increase the home prices.

“Ultimately you want to be able to sell to your customers what they want and if what they want is Canadian spruce for example, you want to make sure that it’s available.”

– Ben Gann, vice-president of legislative and political affairs for the National Lumber & Building Material Dealers Association.

READ MORE: http://www.therecord.com/news-story/7003005-americans-react-to-softwood-lumber-dispute/