Update of Friday’s Softwood Lumber Rumours: More Rumours

A very good source to Madison’s in Québec has stated this morning that:

U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross and the US side proposed, in their latest discussions with Canada’s Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland

source in the Canadian industry that spoke with Chrystia Freeland’s office Friday.

A source close to the US Lumber Coalition related to Madison’s this morning that the two representatives met Friday and talked “as always” and

“surely shook hands. But it wasn’t shaking hands on a deal.”

source close to the US Lumber Coalition



A reliable source in Ottawa has conveyed that, although not signed, and subject to further negotiations, Canada’s Christina Freeland and the U.S.’ Wilbur Ross “shook hands” on a ten year Canada – U.S. Softwood Lumber Agreement. The SLA would terminate the present Canadian Softwood Lumber AD/CVD case, and be replaced with volume restrictions in the form of a quota, similar to the 2006 SLA, but without Export Surcharges. Instead of export surcharges, volume violations would involve significant penalties.

Credible rumours of Tentative Softwood Lumber deal: Canada-US