Canada-US 2006 Softwood Lumber Agreement Expiry

From one of Madison’s Lumber Reporter’s valued sources Friday:

“In that the SLA will expire at 11:59 p.m. October 12th, though we’ve been unable to secure written confirmation at this time through the U.S. DOC or the Canadian DFAIT offices as to exactly what procedures will be involved after the 12th, we can only assume Canada will continue to require Export Permits, but without the Export Surcharges. This would enable them to monitor and record volumes for U.S. DOC comparison purposes, as well, in the event of another ADD/ CVD investigation resulting in potential quotas being imposed, the proper alloca- tions can be determined.

We wanted to advise our clients of the October Export Surcharge increase as soon as possible, enabling them to make their forecasts.”

Jones & Jones Customs Brokers and Trade Consultants J&J Website: