Current Lumber Price Increases Mirror One Year Ago

Similar to this time last year, when lumber prices started rising to reach what was then the all-time historical high, solid wood construction materials prices have been ticking up in the past few weeks. This is traditionally not a time for lumber prices to be increasing. The latest US housing starts and home sales and price data has been incredibly strong โ€ฆ will we see lumber prices keep going up to the end of this year? Only time will tell.

Western Spruce-Pine-FIr KD 2x4 #2&Btr prices OCT 2021

Still pushing up at an unusual time of year, for the week of October 8, 2021 the price of Western S-P-F 2×4 #2&Btr KD (RL) was US$580 mfbm. This is up by +$40, or +7%, from the previous week when it was $540. That weekโ€™s price is up by +$92, or +19%, from one month ago when it was $488.

Buyers were increasingly frustrated trying to secure enough lumber and studs to furnish downstream jobsites. ย 

Plywood prices remained flat, while OSB levels in the West found some traction; steady demand persisted for studs and dimension.โ€

โ€” Madisonโ€™s Lumber Reporter
Madison's Softwood Lumber Benchark green and KD Construction Framing Dimension Softwood Lumber Prices OCT 2021

Unyielding demand highlighted shrinking overall supply of Western S-P-F commodities in the United States. According to sawmills late-October order files prevailed, thus prompt availability of wood was scant.
Canadian Western S-P-F lumber commodities continued to display strength in both demand and pricing. Primary and secondary suppliers each reported steady takeaway, with the former extending order files into late-October or early-November.

Southern Yellow Pine demand was stable in most categories, however with some softness in low grades. Another bout of heavy rain supplanted a recent spate of drier, timber harvesting-friendly weather in the US South.ย โ€

โ€” Madisonโ€™s Lumber Reporter

Madisonโ€™s Benchmark Top-Six Softwood Lumber and Panel Prices: Monthly Averages

Madison's Softwood Lumber Benchark green and KD Construction Framing Dimension Softwood Lumber and Panel Prices OCT 2021

When compared to the same week last year, when it was $960, for the week of October 8 the price of Western S-P-F 2×4 is down by -$380, or -40%.
Compared to two yearsโ€™ ago when it was $368, this weekโ€™s price is up by +$212, or +58%.