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THE PLOT THICKENS …. both publications competitive to Madison’s Lumber Reporter have now adjusted their Western Spruce Pine Fir KD 2×4 R/L dimension framing construction softwood lumber prices to match what we said all along. Continue below to read more:

Nothing beats the value of accurate data …. don’t go with the wrong guys, go with the right guys. Madison’s Lumber Reporter is the only source PROVEN to be completely unbiased and uninfluenced when printing North American softwood lumber and construction panel solid wood prices.

Madison’s has been publishing quality news and price information about Canadian and US softwood lumber products since 1952. For over 60 years, we’ve built a reputation as an independent, opinionated, always right-on source of market news.


In this business it is a big deal having to print a sizable correction, as happened AGAIN Friday with the other two publications providing market insight on softwood lumber prices:

SOURCE: Madison’s Lumber Reporter

Why be behind the market? A subscription to the weekly Madison’s Lumber Reporter informs you AHEAD of the market.

• foreshadow spot shortages, overages, and balance of lumber supply with demand

Don’t be behind, why subscribe to the other guys and receive dated information, with a significant time lag?


SOURCE: Madison’s Lumber Reporter

At Madison’s we tell you what is happening with the Canadian and US softwood lumber construction framing market AS IT HAPPENS, that week. Not afterward.

SUBSCRIBE TODAY to receive accurate North American wholesale lumber price, net FOB, every Friday directly to your email inbox. DON’T WAIT for the other guys to get it wrong, then fix their prices the following week!!