Japan Wood Product Demand Projection: 1H 2018

The Japan Forestry Agency has held it’s meeting for estimating wood product demand projection for the first half of 2018, said the Japan Lumber Reports Monday.

Officials expect a drop in domestic supply of logs to bring an increase in Japan’s log imports from North America in 2Q 2018 and from New Zealand in 1Q.

However domestic supply of logs for plywood production is expected to increase +8.5 per cent.

Lumber supply from North America is expected to continue 2018 with rising prices, according to officials via the Reports.

Japan Wood Demand Projection

The Japan Forestry Agency group meeting is estimating housing starts in Japan for full-year 2017 to decline 90,000 units to 960,000 units; the same as is forecast for 2018, according to Japan Lumber Reports Monday.

Like lumber, imports of logs from North America are up, with arrivals for 2Q 2018 up +7 per cent over the previous quarter.

Elsewhere, eleven organizations from the wooden material production and building industries are urging Japan’s Forest Policy Planning Department for prompt efforts and financial support.

The combined groups filed a document “Request concerning establishment of Wooden Construction Industry and organizing qualifications and training systems for securing and nurturing workers of medium-scale wooden construction projects.”

The petition mentions that medium to high-rise & middle- and large- scale wooden buildings are promoted by the Act for Promotion of Use of Wood in Public Buildings, while widespread use of wooden materials, which is contributing to maintain forests as a measure against global warming, is required.

The funding request is to go toward securing and nurturing workers of medium-scale wooden construction projects.