Lumber Production and Sawmill Utilization AUG, Lumber Prices, NOV: 2021

North America softwood lumber production volumes and sawmill capacity utilization rates released by Western Wood Products Association ( show:

For January to August 2021 softwood lumber production in the US improved by +3.3% from the first eight months of 2020. US lumber production volumes were 22,341 mmfbm.
Looking at the month of August against July 2021, and against August 2020, US softwood lumber production was almost flat.

Softwood lumber production in Canada rose further, as most of this year, for January to August 2021 it was up +8.2%, to 16,176 mmfbm, compared to the first eight months of last year.

US sawmill capacity utilization rates were again stable at 86%.
Canada sawmill capacity utilization in the first eight months of this year dropped slightly, and was still low compared to historical, at 81%.

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