The full Madison’s Lumber Reporter North America softwood lumber price list will be updated as usual first thing Friday morning Eastern time, however here is a SNEAK PEAK at tomorrow’s benchmark WSPF prices: After staying flat for the past three weeks,
The wholesaler price of benchmark softwood lumber item Western Spruce-Pine-Fir KD 2×4 #2&Btr for Dec 19 popped up $4 on tight inventories, to US$398 mfbm (net FOB sawmill), from US$394 mfbm last week. — Madison’s Lumber Reporter

This week’s lumber market story published to the website Tuesday: https://madisonsreport.com/2019/12/17/us-housing-starts-rise-again-softwood-lumber-prices-remain-flat/
“It was not a surprise to Madison’s Lumber Reporter Tuesday morning when the latest US housing starts data showed continued improvement. Such a strong end to what turned out to be a pretty good year for North American construction framing dimension softwood lumber prices — after a terrifying start — bodes well for 2020.
This if the last lumber price update for the year, and Madison’s is advising that lumber sales will start out hot right at the beginning of January 2021.” — Madison’s Lumber Reporter