The full Madison’s Lumber Reporter North America softwood lumber price list will be updated as usual first thing Friday morning Eastern time, however here is a SNEAK PEAK at tomorrow’s benchmark WSPF prices: After staying flat for the past four weeks,
The wholesaler price of benchmark softwood lumber item Western Spruce-Pine-Fir KD 2×4 #2&Btr for Jan 31 popped up +$6 on strong demand, to US$408 mfbm (net FOB sawmill), from US$402 mfbm last week.
This week’s lumber market story published to the website Tuesday: https://madisonsreport.com/2020/01/28/softwood-lumber-prices-up-somewhat-us-november-housing-supply-shrinks-further/
“Most players are looking forward to a busy spring as customer inquiry — if not actual purchasing — continues unabated daily.
The latest US housing data, for home sales and prices in November, shows a shrinking supply with house prices rising sharply in many US cities.” — Madison’s Lumber Reporter