New Information Re ADD/CVD Impact Dates & Duty Remittance Requirements: Softwood Lumber

This just in from intrepid US Customs Broker Michael Jones, of Jones & Jones Customs Brokers and Trade Consultants in Blain, WA, one of Madison’s long-time and regular sources:

all-import date(s) with respect to when softwood lumber shipments could be subject to the DOC ADD/CVD Investigation duties

While special ADD/CVD Single Transaction Bonds were allowed to be posted during specific stages of earlier Canadian Softwood Lumber ADD/CVD cases, our surety is advising us that U.S. Customs will now require cash deposits of the estimated amounts published in the DOC and ITC “Preliminary Determinations”, plus ensure that the “Importer of Record’s” Annual Continuous Customs Bond is adequate to cover any potential increase determined by the “Final Determination”.

 • the DOC will announce the investigation December 15th

• the first actual date shipments could be subject to “Cash Deposits”, as opposed to special “ADD/CVD Bonds”, would not follow for at least sixty-five days (early February), with the likely-hood of another extension of sixty-five days, pushing the requirement to pay CVD Duty cash deposits to early May, and the ADD Duty cash deposits to mid-July.

– Jones & Jones Customs Brokers and Trade Consultants
Michael D. Jones, President – CHB – Inactive Marine NCO
Blaine Phn: 360-332-6090 or 888-536-5079
Fax: 360-332-1282
Cells: Michael 360-220-6101 – Kim 360-201-2180
638 Peace Portal Drive –  Suite 202
Blaine, Washington 98230
J&J Website:
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Filer Code: WQO (Whiskey-Queen-Oscar)