Once again flat, as the previous two months, the latest issue of the Western Wood Products Association’s monthly Lumber Track, for January-October 2019, shows US softwood lumber production volume still basically flat from from the same time last year, to 29,909 mmfbm.
Also like last month, January – October softwood lumber production in Canada continued big drops since the beginning of 2019, this time falling -10.7%, to 20,779 mmfbm, compared to the first ten months of 2018 when it was 23,279 mmfbm.
In British Columbia specifically, major sawmill curtailments brought another huge drop in production volumes, for Jan – Oct 2019 again plummeting almost -21%, to 8,460 mmfbm, from 10,663 mmfbm in the first ten months of 2018.
North America Softwood Lumber Production, WWPA: Oct 2019

US sawmill production as per cent of practical capacity for the first ten months of 2019 continued dropping compared to the same time in 2018; at 84%, from 86% in 2018, said Western Wood Products Association’s monthly Lumber Track.
For January-October 2019, Canadian sawmill production as per cent of practical capacity kept falling off a cliff, to land at 80% from 88% the previous year.
North America Sawmill Capacity Utilization, WWPA: Oct 2019