A phone call from a Canadian sawmill last week made Madison’s think that perhaps this is very useful information that some may not have received. In particular please note this:
Unless were are incorrect, we believe it has been the “general” understanding that if your company did not apply for the Administrative Review, and if your company is not included on the attached list, your entries were ordered to be liquidated at the previous Final All Other Case (C-122-858-000) CVD rate of 14.19% instead of the AR1 revised CVD rate of 6.71%, with the funds disbursed to the U.S. Treasury – and lost for all time.
If this was not your understanding, please let us know.
The Alberta sawmill which phoned is NOT on this list. It is possible that many others are not as well.
Please check the attached file to see if your company is listed, if not I believe a specific request for reimbursement must be made:

This document came to Madison’s from an excellent long-time source, a Customs Broker working the Canada-US border at Blaine, WA.
For more info pls contact:
Jones & Jones Customs Brokers and Trade Consultants
Michael D. Jones, President – CHB – Inactive Marine NCO
Blaine Phn: 360-332-6090 or 888-536-5079
Fax: 360-332-1282
Cells: Michael 360-220-6101 – Kim 360-201-2180
638 Peace Portal Drive – Suite 202Blaine, Washington 98230
Email for Releases: entry@joneschb.com
J&J Website: www.joneschb.com
Cargo Tracking: www.smartborder.com
Filer Code: WQO (Whiskey-Quebec-Oscar)