US Softwood Lumber Production is up +1.7% for the first three months of 2016, at 8,049 million board feet, compared to 7,912 million board feet for the same time period last year, according to the latest issue of the Western Wood Products Association‘s monthly Lumber Track, released Wednesday
Canada Softwood Lumber Production is up +10.7% for Jan – March 2016, atย 7,068 million board feet, compared toย 6,385 million board feet for the same time period last year.

US and Canadian Softwood Lumber Production & Sawmill Capacity Utilization: March 2016
US Sawmill Capacity Utilization is flat at 83% for the first three months of 2016 compared to one year ago.
Canada Sawmill Capacity Utilization is up +7% for Jan – March 2016, to 91% from 84% in 2015 said the WWPA.