North America Softwood Lumber Production, Sawmill Capacity Utilization, WWPA: February 2020

The latest issue of the Western Wood Products Association’s monthly Lumber Track, for February 2019 – February 2020, shows US lumber production volumes continued previous improvement, this time up by +4.2% over the previous year, to 6,108 mmfbm.
February 2019 – February 2020 Canada softwood lumber production has not yet been released by Statistics Canada, but Madison’s would expect it to show similar upward trajectory.

USA Softwood Lumber Production: Feb 2020

North America Softwood Lumber Production: Feb 2020

USA Sawmill Capacity Utilization Rates: Feb 2020

North America Sawmill Capaciaty Utilization Rates: Feb 2020

Sawmill production as per cent of practical capacity in the United States for February 2019 – February 2020 jumped significantly, by +5%, from 83% to 88%, said the Western Wood Products Association’s monthly Lumber Track.
Canadian sawmill production as per cent of practical capacity data was not available in time for publication.