Using Madison’s Lumber Prices on SilvaStat360: Step-by-Step instructions

Here are step-by-step instructions how to use Madison’s Lumber Prices on SilvaStat360 via Forest2Market , with screen captures of the actual tool:


Click this link to access your login

Madison’s Lumber Reporter

Click on “Madison’s Lumber Reporter” at the left on your landing page:

Madison’s Lumber Reporter

Click on “View” at the top right menu to see the list of functions available:

Madison’s Lumber Reporter

On the left are filters you can use to save specific commodities for future viewing:

Madison’s Lumber Reporter

If you click on any lumber item name, another screen comes up:

Madison’s Lumber Reporter

Using the “view” menu at the top right you can scroll through different presentations of Madison’s data and lumber commentary:

Madison’s Lumber Reporter

Using the “view” menu at the top right you can scroll through different presentations of Madison’s data and lumber commentary:

Madison’s Lumber Reporter

For the screen above, you can toggle between lumber prices and commentary by clicking the little notebook at the top of each box:

Madison’s Lumber Reporter

This analytical tool can be customized for individual needs, and those filters saved for future use.

I am in the office all week and month, and for the summer, for any questions.


Keta Kosman
Madison’s Lumber Reporter, est. 1952
Vancouver, BC, Canada
604 319-2266